It is yet another year with a high abundance of common voles in Central Europe. The entrances to the burrows can easily be recognized.
The common vole is a species of open grassland, like meadows in an agricultural landscape. Common voles can reach high densities in grassland and, in contrast to arable crops, can grow without disturbance by ploughing or harvesting. Furthermore, grassland receives no chemical treatment by farmers so that experimentally treated sites and untreated control sites provide a ‘clean’ study set-up. That’s why we perform our long-term field effect studies preferably in this habitat.
See our #teamtier3 collecting data on the development of vole populations: trapping, weighing and individual marking is done in regular intervals, starting in April until end of October.
For more information on this study type check our website or get in contact with our experts Andrea Rossbach or Dr. Olaf Fülling (